
By mala_19 - 23/11/2022 14:00 - Sweden - Skellefte?

Today, I'm six weeks pregnant and so far I've had more naps than I've had in my entire adulthood. My last pregnancy I got put on sick leave, partly because I was so exhausted. Here we go again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 734
You deserved it 220

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know, there are ways to avoid getting pregnant and ways to become un-pregnant if you don't want to be. Are we supposed to pity you?

Most people don't have Hibernating Bear Syndrome when they get pregnant. This is a surefire recipe for getting mommytracked at work, so yes, she deserves pity.


You know, there are ways to avoid getting pregnant and ways to become un-pregnant if you don't want to be. Are we supposed to pity you?

Most people don't have Hibernating Bear Syndrome when they get pregnant. This is a surefire recipe for getting mommytracked at work, so yes, she deserves pity.