
By Anonymous - 05/12/2023 06:00

Today, I went to a party that had a "dress like rock stars" theme. I got all the gear necessary to dress as Ozzy Osbourne. A wig, round sunglasses, a crucifix on beads, the usual stuff. Not one person at the party knew who Ozzy Osbourne was. Nor Black Sabbath for that matter. Someone thought I was Meatloaf. FML
I agree, your life sucks 585
You deserved it 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm trying to fathom a world where someone knew who Meatloaf was but not Black Sabbath.

You should have come with an headless bat


You should have come with an headless bat

I'm trying to fathom a world where someone knew who Meatloaf was but not Black Sabbath.

You got some lame friends if they never even heard of Black Sabbath