I want to smell feet

By Anonymous - 16/08/2021 14:01

Today, my idiot son incinerated his shoes in the oven. They were wet and he wanted to "quick-dry" them, so now the whole house smells terrible. FML
I agree, your life sucks 892
You deserved it 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

Lmao I don’t remember that one but that is hilarious. Like I’m trying to navigate the daughter’s thought process and circumstances but I can’t 😂😂 And yeah I’m wondering OP’s son’s age too. Little kid or idiot teenager? I’m banking on idiot teenager lol

Well, the logical next step is to incinerate your son in the oven. That'll teach him!


So you didn’t teach him while younger to place wet shoes over a vent in his bedroom? Or leave them outside in the sun? That’s on you if that’s the case.

it's really not on op at all. the oven could have actually worked it he didn't make it hot enough to literally combust fabric

Serious question: how old is your son? This reminds me of the FML where a parent complained of their daughter flushing a hamburger.

Marcella1016 31

Lmao I don’t remember that one but that is hilarious. Like I’m trying to navigate the daughter’s thought process and circumstances but I can’t 😂😂 And yeah I’m wondering OP’s son’s age too. Little kid or idiot teenager? I’m banking on idiot teenager lol

Well, the logical next step is to incinerate your son in the oven. That'll teach him!