How could you?

By PoorJudgeOfCharacter - 25/05/2020 08:00

Today, I found out that before I met my boyfriend of one year, he slept with his twin brother's ex girlfriend who his twin had dated for two years before ending things. Am I dating a monster? FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 277
You deserved it 271

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did this woman know that your boyfriend was not his twin? If she was unaware that she wasn't sleeping with her boyfriend, then that is actually sexual assault. If that is the case, I would run and run fast. If neither he nor his twin has an issue with that situation, then you have no way to know if they will play that same switch with you. Not worth the risk.

Dunno about a monster but it sounds like you might be dating a question on an English comprehension test


J15237 25

Look it sounds like you are over examining the past. If you are happy with him and he treats you right then let it go. This is a prime example of why couples should not discuss past lovers.