Home Improvement

By coius - 29/11/2020 01:03 - United States - Lincoln

Today, our washing machine broke and dumped around 100 gallons onto the floor. My dad had installed crappy water valves and we couldn’t turn off the water. I called my dad and he accused me of lying. His “repairs” have now caused 5 major disasters in our home due to his shoddy and cheap work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 029
You deserved it 292

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me, ... Fool me FIVE times?!?!? C'mon, man, for ****'s sake!!!

tounces7 27

So why do you keep telling him when things break? At some point you're the one responsible for hiring free unqualified labor.


2deployments1divorce 11

cheap labor isn't good, and good labor isn't cheap.

Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me, ... Fool me FIVE times?!?!? C'mon, man, for ****'s sake!!!

tounces7 27

So why do you keep telling him when things break? At some point you're the one responsible for hiring free unqualified labor.

coius 23

It’s called: I’m disabled with a messed up back, and I’m broke due to getting screwed in my workcomp lawsuit. Here’s a life tip: don’t get hurt in Nebraska on a job. The laws are written 100% in favor of corporations. Even with a good lawyer, the judge screwed me. And no, it wasn’t my fault I got injured, my coworkers injured me. I tore up my back trying to access the water shut off, so i’m almost bedridden with tons of pain. My upper back is in agony right now. I already walk with a cane at 35 yrs old.

DoctorPALO 14

If you're aware that his work is cheap, shoddy, and subpar, and you haven't corrected his repairs and/or stopped letting him "repair" things, definitely YDI.

sarahcroy20 12

Just a thought but maybe you shouldn't let him do anything else.

libbyson 5

ydi after the second failure you should have started calling a real repairman.