Hangry boy

By Anonymous - 17/01/2024 22:00 - Germany

Today, my mom’s greedy cat stole some milk I had left on the countertop, completely undeterred by the fact that not only was the milk in a plastic bag, it was also frozen solid. Yep, he actually managed to eat it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 373
You deserved it 134

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cats are animals, not people. They don't understand the concept that food left out is someone else's and not for them. They can learn certain surfaces to stay off of if you are consistent in their training - but the presence of food makes that harder... Humans have to keep food they don't want pets or other animals to eat in a safe and secure location - like a refrigerator or a sturdy container.

cats are cats you live to serve them, they rule the roost. They're awesome. What i can't get past is why would you have milk in a plastic bag frozen ?!?


Cats are animals, not people. They don't understand the concept that food left out is someone else's and not for them. They can learn certain surfaces to stay off of if you are consistent in their training - but the presence of food makes that harder... Humans have to keep food they don't want pets or other animals to eat in a safe and secure location - like a refrigerator or a sturdy container.

cats are cats you live to serve them, they rule the roost. They're awesome. What i can't get past is why would you have milk in a plastic bag frozen ?!?

The only reason I see is the greedy cat. Let's hope the furry critter doesn't like almond milk. If it doesn't work, there's still soy milk, goat milk, and oat milk.