Great plan, asshat

By deanlazore - 23/06/2016 03:09 - United States - Brunswick

Today, my best friend set me up on a blind date. I've discussed the fact I like to date older men, but she thought it was clever to send a 63-year-old to my house to, "Netflix And Chill." FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 621
You deserved it 2 029

Same thing different taste

Top comments

*seductive voice* "You know, back in my day, VHS And Chill was all the rage… but you could convert my analog heart, you digital temptress."

Your best friend has an interesting sense of humor. FYL cuz thats really weird on their part and a little excessive on the age.


*seductive voice* "You know, back in my day, VHS And Chill was all the rage… but you could convert my analog heart, you digital temptress."

Your best friend has an interesting sense of humor. FYL cuz thats really weird on their part and a little excessive on the age.

rldostie 19

I don't think it's that harmless of a prank to the guy she sent over. It's a bit mean and hurtful to be the butt of a joke, especially if it's just for age. He's a person too.

I wouldn't be surprised if my best friend pulled the same thing.

Maybe next time tell your Bestfriend what do you mean by older men, give age limit maybe?

Sorry - to your HOUSE? It is one thing to meet in a bar and public place, but giving our your address to people you do not know (even if the friend know's them) is not okay. If you gave them permission OP I owuld seriously consider revoking and saying that in future you want to meet your date in a public place - they might be friends with your friends but be safe and you don't know how they will act once they know your address.

Yeah sending random old guys who are expecting sex to someones house? Brilliant idea.

In that sense it's not funny. But in reality I found it funny. Now if it was my shoes then at the time no it would t. Don't get ur ass in a bunch.

Yeah but what is your age, makes a difference between 18, 40 or 60 yourself. Anyway just tell her not to send her ex-boyfriends over.

Sounds like something one of my close friends would do, honestly.

Mysterybounty 6

I'm 26, single and ready to mingle let's do this.

Honestly unless the guy is in on it, isn't it a bit cruel for both of you? Getting your hopes up like that? And as someone mentioned, giving out your address is a really bad idea..

rldostie 19

And mean to the guy if the friend knew he was going to be rejected because of his age. Just because he's older doesn't mean he's not a person with feelings. Older people have to deal with enough when it involves coming to terms with ones age--being the butt of a joke certainly isn't going to help anything.

I'm pretty sure that's exactly what 10 was saying/getting at.