Got to get you out of my life

By Anonymous - 03/09/2023 10:00

Today, I was hanging out with friends when my ex called me, but I ignored the call because I don’t want drama. About five minutes later she shows up and starts yelling at me on how I’m so worthless and useless. She left almost immediately after this, but when I went home she was talking to my fiancée. Like, WTF? FML
I agree, your life sucks 703
You deserved it 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope she doesn't convince your fiancée that you are worthless and useless. That's a secret you want to keep until a few years into marriage.

you need to tell her you no longer want her in your life. cut her out.


you need to tell her you no longer want her in your life. cut her out.

I hope she doesn't convince your fiancée that you are worthless and useless. That's a secret you want to keep until a few years into marriage.

Blimey14orangelizards 10

How did she 'show up 5 minutes later'?? How on earth did she know where you were if you didn't even answer the phone? Makes no sense.

Stalker probably, from the sounds of it.