Get back to work

By wavenixv - 27/08/2021 10:01

Today, I got an email from our district manager, telling me I cannot use my vacation days as sick time. I've run out of sick days and I have a severe injury that I've taken medical leave for. When it flares up, it feels like I’m being stabbed. He knows this, but doesn’t acknowledge it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 959
You deserved it 61

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Um, take vacation without telling him you're sick? Or take disability leave.

TomeDr 24

It’s your earned time off! What difference does it make if it’s sick or vacation? What does it matter to your employer?


TomeDr 24

It’s your earned time off! What difference does it make if it’s sick or vacation? What does it matter to your employer?

Jon Tessler 14

in the US, sick days and vacation are 2 separate things. you can't use 1 for the other. the best he could do is take unpaid FMLA until he is able to work

rotflqtms_ 21

I think you have to schedule vacation days way in advance and sick days can be taken with 2 hours notice (2hrs in my hospital at least) without getting written up as a no call no show.

2hrs from the hospital ?! damn the us is something else and I feel for the unlucky bastard who gets a heart attack during work hours and can't give a 2 hr warning

Though as a teacher in the US, vacation days and sick days are the same thing, and you don’t get enough of them (it’s like 5% of our working days, whereas office jobs I’ve seen give you at least 15% of their working days).

Um, take vacation without telling him you're sick? Or take disability leave.