Gamers gonna game

By he wasn't even playing - 07/12/2014 04:52 - Australia - Corrimal

Today, my boyfriend told me he wouldn't be able to cover his share of the rent because he didn't work during the week, saying business has been slow. I checked and found out he called in sick four times. He wanted to stay home and watch online gaming matches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 654
You deserved it 3 923

Same thing different taste

Top comments

One: because it's about rent. Homie don't play no games with money. Two: she was curious to see. Maybe he's pulled the same thing before.


Roskosity 22

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One: because it's about rent. Homie don't play no games with money. Two: she was curious to see. Maybe he's pulled the same thing before.

I'd be checking up to see why he wasn't paying rent to. especially if he was lieing or skipping out on me.

2 - because rents a very important thing to have to pay?

Plus for all you know she was checking to see how long business would be slow cause she's worried about rent. Either way if he's going to try rely on her for rent then she has a right to know.

UniUni 18

Maybe because they have rent to pay together, and he's letting the responsibility fall on her. I would check his story out too because that's ****** up.

Well, the time is now for eSports season, but that is nothing compared to paying for housing! Good luck dealing with him, OP.

Tell him you know and that he still needs to pay his share of rent.

BecauseIAmBatman_fml 22

That sucks OP. I think an ubtimatum may be needed.

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She knew he wasn't going to work, that isn't the issue. As it says above, he told her it was due to low business (i.e. work didn't require him to come in), when actually he was secretly calling in sick to stay home. The issue is that he lied to her about the reason for him staying home, not that she didn't know about it.

7 - i think you should re-read the fml

jimmer23 21

*cough* dump his lazy ass *cough*

Not only irresponsible but a liar too...I usually don't go straight for "break up with him/her" but in this case it might be justified.