
By emmey - 23/07/2009 19:43 - United States

Today, while showering at my boyfriend's house early this morning, I saw a huge black spider on the wall. I'm allergic to spiders, so in my disorientation I ran out of the shower screaming, slipped, sprained my wrist, and bruised my tailbone. Turns out the spider was a clump of hair. My hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 916
You deserved it 44 869

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how can you be allergic to spiders?

Actually, you can be. I'm allergic to just about any type of insect/bug bite/sting. Spiders/mosquitoes/bees, etc. I'll swell up about 2-3x more than a "normal" person would, and the swelling will last for up to two weeks. First time I was bit by a horse fly, I was taken to a hospital.


kira822_fml 0

Omg! My mum broke her tailbone when she was young. She calls it her butt bone. Whenever she sits for a long time in an uncomfortable seat or position, her left leg gets numb.

englandrulz 0

lol thats funny...i had to tell my mom....i never knew you could be allergic to i'm STILL laughing!!!! ROFL

If a clump of your pubes that goes missing looks like a huge, black spider, you should consider some trimming in your crotchetal region. Maybe you boyfriend would go down on you if he didn't fear he'd get lost in the Black Forest! Clean it up down there!

Uhhh... I think I missed the part where the OP said it was her pubic hair. Try not to be an idiot next time, k?

Are you saying it's chest hair? Gross! Read between the lines, sweetie, it didn't explicitly say "head hair," so our imaginations are left to run wild. Your problem is that you are stuck with a conventional mind. This first thing that comes to your mind, the normal thing, is the only thing you can imagine. I get the normal image first, too, but my mind can challenge the assumptions I originally accepted and imagine what the scene would be if those assumptions were false. This makes my mind superior, not idiotic. I don't just write nutty FML comments -- I am also trying to use my power for good in other ways. But making people laugh is a pretty good contribution to the world, too.

oooshiny 0

haha, uhhh, I think I missed the part where you thought you were being clever. Next time try not to be a boner-killer, kthnxbai!!!1!one!!

effthis 0

quoted from another fml "you gotta shave that shit"

poison29 0

it's sad that you can quote other FMLs.

Even if you aren't allegic to spiders it's good to not be bit so saying you were allergic was uneeded

Too bad you aren't blonde like me. Na na na na na na na.

And you have matching luggage? If so, nice!

you can't be allergic to spiders. they're either venomous or they aren't.

ydi for sleeping at your bfs house and presumably sleeping with him. dumb bitch.

poison29 0

you need to be euthanized immediately.

lilsweets2587 0

#73-seriously? I don't sleep with the guys I date, but chill out, it's the norm for most people. And HAHAHA, I'm sorry, it's hilarious, but only because I've also freaked out over hair in the tub, I'm horribly near-sighted and canNOT tell the difference :)

Wololo 0

Allergic? To spiders? I'm pretty sure that's not possible.