Family tension

By Anonymous - 21/11/2022 14:00

Today, it’s been a year since my brother-in-law started sleeping on our sofa. At first I had sympathy, but he hasn’t even been looking for a job, so when I found him wearing my robe, drinking my sherry, in my armchair, I evicted his ass. Now I’m the one sleeping on the sofa because my wife is mad at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 256
You deserved it 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Small price to pay for getting him out. Check local laws, though - you may have to go through some procedure to do an eviction.

Time to look up tenants’ rights and get the kicking-out started


Small price to pay for getting him out. Check local laws, though - you may have to go through some procedure to do an eviction.

Seems like he was pursuing a career as a Professional Sherry Taster. That's a real job!

Time to look up tenants’ rights and get the kicking-out started

Battousai124 7

Kick her ass out, too. If she thinks it's OK to mock off of your sister she can join him.

I've never understood why anyone is willing to put up with sleeping on the sofa when they feel they were in the right. If you cheated, got caught, and are trying to make up for it, sure. But if she got angry with you cause you solved a problem she should have dealt with months ago, tell her to sleep wherever she wants but you're getting a good night's sleep.

Evict her ass too. problem solved problem staying solved.

By brother in law, do you mean your wife's brother? If so, then YDI for unilaterally making a rash decision about HER family member instead of having an adult conversation with your wife and deciding on a course of action together.

YDI, It's her brother, you should have spoken to her about it, before making decisions. It's a basic curtesy and respect.