Extorsion time

By Cindy - 05/06/2023 15:00

Today, my boyfriend’s parents saw me making out with my other boyfriend. They’re now asking me to pay them 300€, or they’ll tell him I’m cheating. They know I’m broke and that if we break up I’ll be homeless. FML
I agree, your life sucks 117
You deserved it 3 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you are staying with him just because you need his place to live in? And still, you cheat on him?

Maybe you shouldn’t have had another boyfriend then.


So you are staying with him just because you need his place to live in? And still, you cheat on him?

Maybe you shouldn’t have had another boyfriend then.

Ewwwww you're a bottom feeder. Go get a ******* job and stop being a mooch. YDI. Go be with your "other" boyfriend and stop wasting the boyfriend's time that you cheated on. Pathetic.

I was going to suggest that you become a hooker since you are already 'putting yourself out there', but that would be an insult to honest prostitutes.

So.. you cheated and want sympathy? You wouldn't get any here either, though I wouldn't attempt to blackmail you, I'd just tell the person. You deal with the consequences of your own actions.

You deserve it. Enjoy the bed you made for yourself.

Parents are also pretty scummy to let you continue cheating on their son so long they get paid for their silence.

They should be charging $300 per month with inflation escalation and annual service charges. Honestly, I am a huge fan of letting their son know with pictures.

I actually think they want the 300 so that they can show their son that OP is trying to bribe them, otherwise she can say that they are lying. OP, save what little dignity you have left and break up with the guy you are cheating with. Even if it means you are homeless. And if you don't do that, may he kick you out on your arse.

garamo 4

i am sure the parents will tell their son after they cash out the 300 Euros (not $)

"Ah, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions..." You deserve it, for the record. F that poor cheated on boyfriend's life, if you ask me.

This is a prime example of the wisdom: Don't shit in your own doorstep.