Dressed for success

By wtf - 03/02/2009 03:28 - United States

Today, I stuffed my buttcrack with toilet paper right before my job interview because I tend to sweat there a lot and I was wearing a white skirt. I went to the bathroom afterward to take it out but it wasn't there anymore. It could have only gone up two places. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 762
You deserved it 15 566

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if youve got a sweaty buttcrack, dont wear a white skirt. its really not that hard.

Guiseppi 0


I'm confused...is this a real story? It wouldn't have gone up anywhere. It would have fallen out or disintegrated. I assume the only reason someone would do this is because they aren't wearing underwear, in which case it definitely fell out. That being said, why wouldn't you just wear a slip or an extra pair of undies if you knew this was an issue? Weirdo....

How don't you know the difference between your ****** and asshole...

Baby powder works wonders.. Try that next time!

Or fallen out of your underwear... Being that both your rear and your hoo-ha would have to be pretty loose to get it up there....

you're an idiot. it obviously fell out. do you really think it just got sucked in by your butthole??

Are you serious? It didn't go up anywhere. It fell out. And if you sweat there why on earth would you wear a white skirt?