Devil's wages

By fucked - 14/03/2014 19:40 - Canada

Today, my boss - AKA Satan - told me I'd better watch out, because I'm now top on his list of people to lay off next time the company downsizes. All I did was give a report to the board admitting that our sales are down this year. He blames me for making him look bad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 888
You deserved it 3 763

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sorry to hear that, but maybe you should start looking for a new job

It sucks how bosses just hunt for any reason at all to fire people when the company is doing poorly. Wrong place, wrong time...


sorry to hear that, but maybe you should start looking for a new job

Or carefully document all conversations by email and report the bastard to the powers that be.

I would submit a report on Human Resource theory

It sucks how bosses just hunt for any reason at all to fire people when the company is doing poorly. Wrong place, wrong time...

Maybe he should be working on making the company better rather than yelling at his employees...

You can't expect such a self-centered man to care about anything other than himself and his career :/

Unfortunately, you can't expect such a self-centered bastard to care about anything besides himself or his own career.

Sorry about the double comment- I thought I deleted my first one!

Is that not how you make a company better?

Wow he's an asshole. That's not a reason to lay you off.

LadyQuantum 7

That is one thing you should NEVER admit...... If you want to keep your job.

I feel like accurate reports on sales are probably important to most businesses and not something anybody within the company should lie about if they want to keep their job and improve company sales.

Sorry about your boss, he should be worried about the companies sales and not yelling at employes for stupid reasons

I don't see how old Saint Nick worked his way into this one

Aka SATAN? lol. I died a little. Sorry about your boss though. Work is tough.

PSA: this is the one and only time that "AKA" should be used. Please, do not try to make a thing of this people...

I'm missing the joke, someone explain to me

pwnman 33

I live in Canada and I don't understand it either!

"Pogey" is slang for employment insurance or welfare payouts.