
By Anonymous - 24/06/2023 18:00

Today, the guy I gave up all my social life and casual sex partner for, suddenly decided that he wants nothing to do with me sexually, and then called me "desperate" for wanting to be his friend despite that fact. Now, because of him, I'm no longer getting laid, and I have no friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 385
You deserved it 1 440

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aaand this is why you never, ever give up friends for a romantic interest. Even if they’re well-intentioned and not actively trying to isolate you, there’s always a chance that the relationship could end for whatever reason.

Nico97 3

YDI for putting all your friends on the back burner. Too many people ignore their friends when they get in a relationship and then expect them to be there when they’re wanted/needed. Not how it works


Nico97 3

YDI for putting all your friends on the back burner. Too many people ignore their friends when they get in a relationship and then expect them to be there when they’re wanted/needed. Not how it works

Aaand this is why you never, ever give up friends for a romantic interest. Even if they’re well-intentioned and not actively trying to isolate you, there’s always a chance that the relationship could end for whatever reason.

Battousai124 7

YDI, but you are also a victim of abuse, get help with your self esteem