
By Richard - 25/06/2012 03:03 - United States - Uxbridge

Today, I was talking with my wife of five years, and I gave her a few hints about wanting kids. After our talk, she looked at me completely serious and said, "Yeah yeah, kids are great and all, but can't we just get you a dog?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 485
You deserved it 6 198

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Didn't you talk to her about that matter before you married her?

Maybe adopt? She may just not want go thru labour.


Didn't you talk to her about that matter before you married her?

egc573 40

Or during the past 5 years of their marriage? That seems like a pretty big topic to avoid.

Maybe something happened or changed in OP to want kids now. People can change their minds about stuff after years pass by

Maybe it took him five years before he started to want kids

Maybe they married young/were busy (e.g., schooling).

mylifesucks_fml 1

maybe it's because she likes her body and doesn't want it to look like crap after having a baby. ask if there's a possibility of adoption or just ask why she doesn't want kids.

Even if they married young, doesn't change the fact that it's important to discuss children before marriage. My fiancé and I are both 20, and will be getting married in 3 months. We both don't want children until we are 26 or have a house. It's one of those things you discuss in a relationship- no matter the age or current situation

86- If she doesn't want her body look like crap after having a child, then she can hit the gym whenever she can find the time. I know you were just mentioning a possibility, but that's a pretty lame excuse not to have a baby.

tmmundy 17

97...I agree, I have two grown girls (20/23). When I first got pregnant I weighed 105, it took work, but I'm back and have been, at 110 lbs. Sounds like op's wife may not want children at all.

Good. One less consumer to pollute the planet.

Just ask her why she doesn't want any kids, and solve the problem. Find a way that she won't mind having kids. Even adoption is a good choice, your giving a child parents that they deserve.

"86- If she doesn't want her body look like crap after having a child, then she can hit the gym whenever she can find the time." My mom's hair changed thanks to labor... From dark blond curls to flat brown hair. Just sayin'.

97 - it doesn't sound like you have children, lol.

hair doesn't change from labor lmao. You do know that hair colour will change as someone grows up. Some children can be born with blonde hair and grow up to have black hair when they are adults. My aunt is like that and she's never had kids.


Hair does change from labor. Look it up.

wow lol #1 took the words right outta my thoughts.

No, it's not. Some women's bodies never recover. And there are much more lame excuses TO have a baby than not to.

raraisbang 12

Not all women have body changes. A good friend of mine has 3 kids and you can't even tell she's had children. She has no stretch marks, is in a size 2, and has beautiful abs. Plus, children are a blessing. I didn't want children at all, ever. My pregnancy was absolutely accidental, but my son is amazing and I wouldn't go back and not have him even if I could. I know to each his/her own, I'm just saying that children aren't as bad as some of you make them, and the process of having them, out to be.

If children were a blessing for you, that's great. But it depends. For some, children are a blessing. For others, children are a curse! Look at all the children who are abused or even killed at the hands of their parents. Clearly, those are people for whom children were not only a curse, but they shouldn't have had them to begin with. As for children not being as bad as we seem to think, again, that depends on the person. There are parents who admit (anonymously online) that they regret their children, hate parenting and would not do it again if they could go back. To sum it up: it all depends.

I wondered about that as well o.o I'm 20 and have been with my current boyfriend for almost a year and he is the first one I might consider having kids with. But not before I'm 25 and he thinks the same. We've talked numorous times about this topic. We even sorted out what last name and denomination they should have =P I can't imagine being married to someone for years and avoiding this topic all the time o.o

Sinamoi 18
theten_fml 9

Running hippos is where it's at

Llamas ^_^ They will spit on your enemies!

TheDrifter 23

Polar bear. They're big, fluffy and fond of hugs.

Screw all y'all. Platypuses are the best.

Wookies are the best. Conversation over. >:D

I love my pet cactus. although he can be a prick at times

TheVelocirabbit 10

I love my pet, Rocky. He's a little slow at tines, but he's a great listener!

TheVelocirabbit 10

Crap, *times. My joke is now ruined

1crabbygirl 10
dsbs 9

No one has mentioned penguins yet? What about sloths

cyndiig 2
gracevet88 0

Good dogs>cats, but dogs can be mean and do can cats. They all have different personalities

Maybe adopt? She may just not want go thru labour.

OhDearBetrayal 25

Getting a surrogate would solve that problem.

unknown_user5566 26

As would adoption, like #5 already stated.

OhDearBetrayal 25

57- I'm just saying that adoption isn't the only option.

jaredofmo 22

Excellent point. He might want the joys of raising children, but she probably doesn't want the pain of carrying babies.

Or, she may not want children because she simply does not want children. I don't think there are many women who let the pain of labor stop them from having offspring. There are better reasons, you know. I don't want children because 1) I love the way I'm living right now. 2) I do not want to let something change my life forever. 3) I do not want a lifetime responsibility for them. 4) I don't have any motherly feelings at all. 5) I'm way too self-centered to be a decent mother. 6) I don't want my boyfriend to love something more than me. 7) ... 8) I do not want to endure the pain of being pregnant/labor. This is the second 'my wife doesn't want children'-FML. Makes me sad. Not only for the OP's and their wives, but because I fear my boyfriend will once write this FML. He wants children. He doesn't even know why, he just wants them. He is well aware that I have a different opinion, but he ignores it, thinking that once my mind will change. But if it doesn't....FML.

rcgirl2 11

Or maybe she wants the dog so she won't have to change diapers or deal with waking up in the middle of the night trying to tend to the baby.

If he tries to pressure you into having children and you know with certainty that you don't want any, I think you need to end things with him. Rarely does that situation work out.

That awkward monent when your bitch says to get a bitch

IsAbElLiCiA20 6

Good try I guess? I thought it was funny.

OhDearBetrayal 25

35- Bitch doesn't only mean a rude and obnoxious female. It also just means a woman. (In today's slang, that is)

52- Actually, it means a negative meaning for a woman, and the name for a female dog. It's not just "a woman".

Actually, my bfs mom from Jamaica called women bitches without being angry. It is a slang term, depending on where you're coming from it has either a neutral or negative meaning.

KiddNYC1O 20

The way I took #6's comment is the way #52 explained. Not saying is okay to do so, though.

The_F3rris 11

Bitch - Female dog. I thought that was pretty funny

Wow, that sucks, well, I guess dogs are fun too!

OhDearBetrayal 25

So, many, commas, can't, read, without, pausing, you're, such, a, grammar, Nazi, troll.

ChickInGreenVans 12

Maybe he's having an asthma attack..

xStaciexLynnx 15

Despite the commas I got through the comment and would like to point out people dont just have children because they're 'fun' like a dog. They're also a huge responsibility and at least 18 years of direct care.

aleeshttylXD 9
raraisbang 12

75, actually I stopped needing direct care at around 9, when I could successfully cook my own meals, get myself up and dressed for school, ha been independently using the potty for years, etc. the only thing I required of my parents was new clothes on occasion, and for them to purchase the food I ate. Just an FYI - kids don't need DIRECT care until they are 18, and technically they can get a job at 16 usually and cut out most financial care, leaving you solely with the responsibility of housing them. I personally wanted, and got a job at 16 and paid for my own things, food included. True, not everyone is like this, but it technically is possible. :D

Kids aren't so fun after a couple days. Your life will change forever, but partly in a good way.

I thought the first days were supposed to be Hell though. Don't worry OP, women usually ( but not always) change their minds about it as their age increases.

I didn't change my mind, and I certainly made sure my fiancé knew my thoughts on the matter before we got serious!

You should name the dog after your wife.

citymayer 7

I mostly agree. I mean.. It depends on which ones quieter and poops less.