Date night

By Anonymous - 10/01/2023 02:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I booked a restaurant and nice hotel for date night. We only get a few hours away from our baby, so we may as well squeeze in sexy time! I told my husband and he was more worried about the awkward early check out than excited for the sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 035
You deserved it 241

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's not the real reason. Awkward check-out times have never had any effect on a horny guy. Something else is going on.

Why is that akward? Many people use early check-out because they have to catch a flight or something.


That's not the real reason. Awkward check-out times have never had any effect on a horny guy. Something else is going on.

Why is that akward? Many people use early check-out because they have to catch a flight or something.