
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - South Salem

Today, my sister came to stay with me in my apartment for the last few weeks of her difficult pregnancy. However she didn't tell me she was bringing her two dogs, her jackass of a husband, my bratty nephew, and an inflatable kiddie pool so she could have a natural water birth in my living room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 445
You deserved it 5 971

Same thing different taste

Top comments

We've all heard of Bridezillas but I didn't know there were Birthzillas.


skehar 23

Just go with it, OP. Who knows what her crazy hormones will lead her to do next! Just make sure she doesn't have access to your room. You don't want her to get stuck giving birth on your bed, do you?

mimiminx 23

Let's hope she's gone after she gives birth or you'll have a baby with you too!

She wants to be one with nature, or she's a masochist you decide.

Jerry Spring seems to gloss over these kinds of things: But why did your sister and her family need to move in?

So you expected her to leave her family behind? Great going for sister of the year award!

tj5810 21

Sounds like a HUGE lack of communication and a few assumptions. I don't envy you one bit. Just try to be there for her the best you can and deal with how you feel after the baby is born.

timss4 19

Lol she's pregnant... You thought shed be reasonable? Ha

itsnicole96 15

At least ummm... Nope can't come up with anything :p

HeyHeyFishFillet 34

Well, good job the wisdom-filled comment.