Cristal mommies

By Anonymous - 12/10/2022 23:00 - United Kingdom - Barking

Today, my girlfriend kicked me out for the night so she could calm down. All I did was suggest her headache might improve with paracetamol and a nap, as opposed to the burning sage stinking up our bedroom and the crystal wand she had pressed against her eyes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 381
You deserved it 197

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My girlfriend is into natural cures but nothing like this. She’d have me taking ginger tea, B12, a cold compress and a lot of water. If she’s ever in this spot again, have her try this, and if she won’t listen, maybe it’s time to move on. Also, since I didn’t know before, I now know that paracetamol and acetaminophen are the same thing.

Idk, man. Is the crazy really worth it?


My girlfriend is into natural cures but nothing like this. She’d have me taking ginger tea, B12, a cold compress and a lot of water. If she’s ever in this spot again, have her try this, and if she won’t listen, maybe it’s time to move on. Also, since I didn’t know before, I now know that paracetamol and acetaminophen are the same thing.

Getting your girlfriend into opioid abuse is not nice. How 'bout giving her some 'shrooms?

Idk, man. Is the crazy really worth it?