Clout chasing

By Samantha - 31/05/2009 12:44 - Singapore

Today, I turned 22. Instead of cutting my own cake, I stood by and smiled at a friend's belated birthday party. Her birthday was actually two months ago, but she decided to have her party on my birthday. No one remembered mine but everyone got her beautiful gifts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 003
You deserved it 5 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

spidergirl41 0

haha that must suck. Go buy yourself a happy birthday to me cake, take a picture of itself and send it to everyone so they feel sorry for you and buy you stuff

that_one_dude 0

I would be pissed if that happend.


syddyb 0

man, real friends huh? Forgot your birthday. Sucks.

tbj42409 0

um. if I wad you I wouldn't have gone to your friend's party. that's stupid that you went.

tbj42409 0

um. if I wad you I wouldn't have gone to your friend's party. that's stupid that you went.

that_one_dude 0

I would be pissed if that happend.

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Who the hell celebrates their birthday 2 months later?

wow that really does suck!!! i feel so sorry for you :( get some better friends!

spidergirl41 0

haha that must suck. Go buy yourself a happy birthday to me cake, take a picture of itself and send it to everyone so they feel sorry for you and buy you stuff

98rocky 0
SasuNaru_fml 0

Dude sorry, that must've sucked. Happy Birthday btw. :D

YDI Cause you could have said something.. Happy bday btw.

my birthday always falls during school testing

BlackMamba04 0

Aw, that's awful :-( Happy Birthday, though!I hope the rest of your day is good at least.Forget them, go treat yourself to something nice!!