Classic prank

By Anonymous - 02/07/2022 00:00

Today, I have such crippling low self-esteem that when a girl from my class asked me out, I was instantly convinced she couldn’t actually be interested in me and must be setting me up for some sort of nasty prank, so I told her I wasn’t going to fall for it and to fuck off. She started crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 420
You deserved it 1 552

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You need to apologize to her and reevaluate some issues. Tell her you're sincerely sorry and that you have some reflection you need to work on before dating. Treat people more kindly. It also sounds like you're a victim of bullying for believing it was a set up and used assumption based off experience. Maybe therapy and exercise will help curb your insecurities. Try a gym (maybe a combat sports gym if you have a history of being attacked).


You need to apologize to her and reevaluate some issues. Tell her you're sincerely sorry and that you have some reflection you need to work on before dating. Treat people more kindly. It also sounds like you're a victim of bullying for believing it was a set up and used assumption based off experience. Maybe therapy and exercise will help curb your insecurities. Try a gym (maybe a combat sports gym if you have a history of being attacked).

Aha! You got her! She was sad that she wasn't able to get video of you acting like you belonged with her. It probably would have gone viral. Sure, it would stink to have millions point and laugh at you, but you might have gotten a few pity ***** out of it.

Marcella1016 31

Are you also one of those guys who blames every woman in the world for you being single and involuntarily celibate?

They're called incels, a portmanteau of involuntarily celibate. Don't ask me how I know that. Incel, that is, you can ask me how I know what portmanteau is.

You're well on your way to becoming an incel