Choose wisely

By limegreenpoopie - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Valrico

Today, my boyfriend's obsession with card tricks reached a new low. He barged into the bathroom while I was taking a crap and asked me to pick a card. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 897
You deserved it 1 605

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You don't want to know where he was going to pull your card from after pretending to mess up the trick…

He just wanted you to pick the number two while you were going number two


bobsanction 18

He loves you enough to see you taking a shit and still just wants to impress you with a magic trick. Put a ring on that boy.

Ironically there's an ad for cards under this...

You're blessed to be cursed with such a friend

Sebof2001 7

Idk I kinda see that romantic in a nerdy way.

I, personally, see nothing romantic about violating someone else's privacy over a card trick. Yeah, it's cute that he's so excited and wants so badly to share it with his girlfriend, but Jesus Christ...There are such things as common decency and self-control.

species4872 19

You need to deal with that joker.

Well that's a shitty situation *prepares for a barrage of downvotes*