But my babiiiiiiies!

By fmylifeee - 27/09/2019 04:00

Today, my wife and I invited my boss over for dinner, specifically warning her not to bring her children due to our house not being childproof. She surprised us by walking in with her toddlers. They both shat on our carpets, then my dog knocked them into a wall. I guess I'll start looking for another job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 723
You deserved it 210

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She so ******* owes you, that ignorant bitch. You SPECIFICALLY said not to bring her toddlers over, and what does she do… she brings them. Nothing that happened with them and the dog is your fault at all, and she owes you for carpet cleaning. If she fires you, tell her to suck it.

You shouldn't quit your job just because your boss has shit kids. Perhaps her workplace is just as shitty as her children and this is a good excuse to part ways.


She so ******* owes you, that ignorant bitch. You SPECIFICALLY said not to bring her toddlers over, and what does she do… she brings them. Nothing that happened with them and the dog is your fault at all, and she owes you for carpet cleaning. If she fires you, tell her to suck it.

You shouldn't quit your job just because your boss has shit kids. Perhaps her workplace is just as shitty as her children and this is a good excuse to part ways.

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

well maybe she had no choice and had to bring them, next time ask for the raise at work

Or the parents should've cancelled until they found a babysitter for another night. But still, the parents should've made sure that the kids didn't shat on the carpet. One doing so is an accident (pun intended); 2x is being irresponsible. Good luck, OP!

YOUR house.. if they come with kids, don't allow them in. Tell them that you warned them plenty of times. I'd respect someone's wishes to not have my kid there. If I couldn't find a sitter I'd reschedule. Frankly the parent should have cleaned up their shit.