Bunch of amateurs

By Anonymous - 14/12/2023 18:00 - Australia - Wacol

Today, I got my 9 year-old daughter back from a sleepover at my mum's. My 17 year-old niece was also staying there at the same time, and heard my daughter complaining that her fringe was in her eyes. My niece decided to cut my daughter's hair. There are now chunks missing and it's all uneven. No one asked my permission. FML
I agree, your life sucks 457
You deserved it 148

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1) It's her hair, so no, your kid doesn't really 'need permission', because I assume you want her to grow up with the idea that her body belongs to her and she doesn't need someone else to give her permission for it, and 2) I really, really love how you think a well-intentioned teenager is going to ask permission before doing the dumbest thing possible, that's adorable.

My cousin and I (both around 9) decided to play ‘Barber Shop’ with real scissors once. Needless to say, when I came upstairs my mom was rather horrified by the results. These things happen. Hair grows back.


Your permission? To cut your daughters hair? Get out of here with that. Maybe if it was done against your daughters will, otherwise let her have her hair any damn way she wants. You mind your own hair.

1) It's her hair, so no, your kid doesn't really 'need permission', because I assume you want her to grow up with the idea that her body belongs to her and she doesn't need someone else to give her permission for it, and 2) I really, really love how you think a well-intentioned teenager is going to ask permission before doing the dumbest thing possible, that's adorable.

Of course kids in that age need to ask permission. Same way they need to ask permission for many other things. Her body is hers, her life is hers, but as the adult in charge the responsibility is yours. She needs permission to go places or cook or many other things that she won't need as adult. The second part is straight to the point..

My cousin and I (both around 9) decided to play ‘Barber Shop’ with real scissors once. Needless to say, when I came upstairs my mom was rather horrified by the results. These things happen. Hair grows back.

UniUni 18

Anyone who's saying "it's her hair" is ******* stupid. Yes it's her hair, but she's still a child and needs permission for some things. If she told her mom it was bothering her and her mom ignored her, then that's a different problem. But she literally needs permission as a young child