Boom boom

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - San Francisco

Today, the family upstairs decided to play basketball. Indoors. At 3am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 311
You deserved it 3 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MxAxRxCxO 30

Which team were you rooting for?

\ 28

Team Quiet-The-****-Down-And-Go-To-Sleep


Time to buy some drums and start to play at odd hours of the day!!

I feel ya OP, I live in an apartment where the people upstairs scream at each other all hours of the night and at one point I thought they were killing each other up there. But one anonymous cop call seemed to do the trick for me, so maybe give it a try?

Are you sure it was basketball? They could have just been decapitating people or watching the end of Eastenders on repeat.

perdix 29

They would have had fewer kids if Dad didn't double-dribble.

Or adult "Around the World" this game you don't always aim for-- the basket. :P

Yep, instead, he chose to pound it inside and drive to the hole hard.

incoherentrmblr 21

#20, if only they were the Washington Generals vs. The Harlem Globetrotters would they have less kids.

Rainhawk94 27

Spongebob: who plays basketball at 3am?! Patrick: oh boy.3am! (picks

That must be one massive apartment...where could I find one like that?

The people who lived above me in my old appartment sounded like they had a herd of elephants up there. A basketball game sounds rather quiet.

That wouldn't be a punishment to me or a number of head bangers. (: I say breakout the Neil Diamond.

but then the OP has to hear it too. I could appreciate some badass guitar but hopefully they'd hate it!

Hey, I could get down to some Neil Diamond.