Better late than never

By Anonymous - 26/12/2023 08:00 - United Kingdom - Portsmouth

Today, I realised that despite all my careful Christmas preparation, there is one thing I forgot to get. The gift for my wife, which I should've picked up from the shop I ordered it from. It’s sat in that shop right now at 7pm on Christmas Eve. I’m a dead man tomorrow morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 218
You deserved it 549

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, it's boxing day now. Are you still alive and well? If it's not something she had to use immediately upon receiving, she can wait a couple of days.

EricW 4

you shouldn’t be so afraid of your wife


Well, it's boxing day now. Are you still alive and well? If it's not something she had to use immediately upon receiving, she can wait a couple of days.

EricW 4

you shouldn’t be so afraid of your wife

IantoJones_fml 28

Wrap a pic of it from the internet and tell her what happened