Bat out of hell

By goodeyesight - 11/10/2012 14:02 - Brazil - Sào Paulo

Today, I went on a blind date. Sadly, I wasn't blind enough. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 356
You deserved it 31 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

betseyville 6

I bet they weren't as ugly as your attitude.

How many hot 70-year olds have you ever seen? None, right? Yet, these people continue to be married because smart people understand that looks fade with time. After you become wrinkly, what's left over is your personality. And YOUR personality, sir, is downright hideous.


OP. You are a ********, an absolute dogsrod. Get a grip you clopper and grow up...maybe your date was a funny and interesting person but you're so shallow and condescending that all you focused on was looks. YDI....****

I'd bet my entire life savings that you judge people based on physical traits, too. Would you have sex with a 65 year-old woman who weighed 600lbs? If not, then you're also a shallow ******** who's not giving her a fair chance.

I don't sleep on a first date, but if we had enough in common and enjoyed each others company then hells yeah I would...

Yeah, I'm also calling bullshit on that one.

You can call what you like...betcha can't prove it. :-P

RedPillSucks 31

I'm sure we'll see her FML shortly... "I had a blind date with a boorish ass hole, who immediately decided I wasn't attractive enough. I wanted to stab his eyes out". I'm sure OP will have no problem dating a hot serial killer. Seriously, though folks, very few of you would date someone you found physically attractive even if you liked their personality. It's one thing to be friends with someone and a whole other thing to start a serious relationship with someone. Don't get me wrong, looks aren't everything, but they're the bait that lets you stick around to figure out if the personality is ok.

Exactly, everyone on here is getting on their high horse but everyone here is just as shallow as the OP in any given circumstances. Physical traits do matter, but they're not the only thing that matters.

75- I'm not saying you are wrong because you are right physical appearance matters. However in this FML Op sounds like a 16 year old boy who is just looking for a hot girl. It seems like (from the FML) that he didn't even bother giving this girl a chance because in his mind she wasn't attractive enough to him. When I went on a blind date with my boyfriend I didn't find him amazingly attractive but as I got to know him and as personality became a part of our relationship he's the most attractive guy ever to me. Seems like op didn't give this girl a chance he could hate her personality and not date her or like her that's fine but he just instantly judged off looks. That's not really what you should do on a blind date.

And you're probably right about that. Even I am flexible if a guy is not absolutely stunning, but I will say there are certain physical traits which I cannot accept in a sexual relationship. I do not think that makes me a bad person, either. You cannot help who you're attracted to and who you're not. I do place more value on personality and behavior, though. My main point is that people here are kidding themselves if they don't think they care about looks.

ideasrule 13

It's a blind date. How can you go on a blind date without accepting the risk that your date will be ugly? The element of surprise is the whole point.

dhenri 9

Expecting a knock-out is a bit unrealistic, but I do think it's reasonable to expect that your date will be at least average-looking. I think it would be a bit awkward to show up at a blind date and see that your date is someone you could just never feel any physical attraction for, or see that they're just plain ugly. Or maybe his date showed up without tending to basic hygiene and looked like she (he?) didn't even try to look good. They might have an amazing personality, but that means they'd make a good friend, not a romantic partner.

ideasrule 13

Do you realize that half the population is below average? That means that for every blind date you go on, there's a 50% chance that your date will be uglier than average.

True... maybe I worded that wrong. But most people, even if they aren't gorgeous, aren't absolutely horrible-looking either. I think it's reasonable to expect your date not to be horrible-looking.

Really uppity, huh guys? While OP does sound like a dick, physical attraction plays a part in a relationship. That girl maybe beautiful to other people but she wasn't beautiful to OP. So get over yourselves guys. You judge people everyday based on their looks. How many of you have never called someone else ugly? Yeah, thought so.

The problem with your last argument is that "ugly" doesn't necessarily mean physically ugly. I've called people ugly before, but I wasn't referring to the way they looked... And besides, even if you DO think someone is physically ugly, that doesn't necessarily mean it's going to affect your relationship as a whole. (I'm just addressing this particular argument, not the idea as a whole.)