
By Anonymous - 18/09/2020 20:02

Today, I overheard my boyfriend telling his best friend that the only reason he likes to sleep over at my house is for the sex and the fast internet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 481
You deserved it 262

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why did you think he was there? For sparkling conversation? If he's still your boyfriend after that then ydi


heartbreaker 12

So you either add more good reasons; such as cooking nice meals and doing his laundry. Or you have a good talk with your man to learn where his priorities towards his relationship with you actually are.

Why did you think he was there? For sparkling conversation? If he's still your boyfriend after that then ydi

genuinegoodguy 9

Well you don’t need a doormat.

What's the problem? He's having sex with you, right?

P.S Guys like to act macho in front of their friends.

Note to self* Include internet speed on dating profile.