Are you lonesome tonight?

By Anonymous - 04/01/2022 11:01 - United States - Miami

Today, I get as much time with the woman of my dreams as I do with my children: One day, every two weeks. She lives with me. They don't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 865
You deserved it 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments

While you may want her, this is not the “woman of your dreams” if she can or will only spend this little time with you. Why put up with this level of aggravation and frustration? It’s a new year, make this your first resolution. It hurts at first, but you need to end this relationship.

That's on you. If you wanted to spend more time with her, you'd go more often down to the basement where you've got her chained up.


While you may want her, this is not the “woman of your dreams” if she can or will only spend this little time with you. Why put up with this level of aggravation and frustration? It’s a new year, make this your first resolution. It hurts at first, but you need to end this relationship.

this guy 1987 4

We both manage 60 plus hours at the same restaurant on opposite shifts 6 days a week. She closes on Monday and I'm still awake when she gets home that's the only time we have but every other week I have my kids so I spend those Mondays with them

That's on you. If you wanted to spend more time with her, you'd go more often down to the basement where you've got her chained up.

Vesi 29

out of curiosity.. is this due to her career or something else going on?

this guy 1987 4

We both manage at the same restaurant we worked 6 days a week and about 60 hours she works days I work nights so when she leaves her work I'm sleeping when I get home she's sleeping The only day we can spend time together is Monday because she works night and I'm off so I'm awake when she gets home

randybryant799 20