Are Men OK?

By Anonymous - 02/10/2023 04:00

Today, my boyfriend tried to use the “It’s my birthday” excuse to get access to my booty hole. Last time he used the “My favourite aunt died” excuse, and before that, the night of our fourth date, he used the “I’m drunk and can’t find the right hole” excuse. Take the hint, no means never. FML
I agree, your life sucks 552
You deserved it 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nikki 17

Ask to do it back on your birthday, I bet he’ll understand no then

just dump him. it will NEVER cease.


Nikki 17

Ask to do it back on your birthday, I bet he’ll understand no then

just dump him. it will NEVER cease.

I'm guessing his eyes light up when you call him an asshole.

headlock95 3

No doesn’t mean never. No means not this time. Have you actually communicated to him that you don’t want to do that?

TheSentinel05 10

pretty sure “no” means “not today.”