
By DamnTornadoAlley - 30/08/2012 05:55 - United States - Wichita Falls

Today, I had to force myself to take a dump at school, even though I have severe restroom anxiety and shyness. I had finally relaxed enough to go when the tornado drills went off mid-dump, and 46 students and teachers packed into the bathroom with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 145
You deserved it 2 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As the fables of old say: That's a pretty shitty situation.

msCherry973 2

Look on the bright side, you were the first one to safety :-)


SeattlesBest97 1

Because a bathroom full of glass, metal ad porcelain is the safest place in the school? Why don't y'all just do the normal thing and line up in the hallway, curl and cover your neck?

I agree with #71. I've never heard of a tornado drill in the bathroom. It was always in the hallways with your head between your legs and arms over your head.

Poor OP ): I have claustrophobia to a mild extent, closed in spaces like bathroom stalls in public places and schools make me uncomfortable. I also dont like using those kinds of restrooms, but I mean, when you gotta go, you gotta go. I find that reading or playing with your phone is a good distraction, even if there are other people (or an entire class-room) are in the bathroom with you. Plenty of people text on the toilet!

i totally understand what you mean, i hate going to public restrooms. my bowls wont function if people are in there at the same time or i feel the people outside know I'm in here. its completely illogical and i know it but i cant control it. but ya that sucks that a drill happened right in "mid shit"

Aw man. As a sufferer of Ulcerative Colitis I have had to learn to crap in public bathrooms plenty without regard for shame. It sucks.

Hahaaahhahahahaaahaa!! Man I used to love ******** at school. Every single day

Tornado outside, mustard gas strike inside!!

At least you got a stall all to yourself

Austyn57 1