All you need is hate

By Anonymous - 27/01/2022 14:00 - United States - Wilmington

Today, my mom texted me to let me know that my wife and I are no longer allowed to visit her house together, because she doesn’t want it to appear like she’s OK with queer relationships, but she’s OK if we visit one at a time because she still wants to see our son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 596
You deserved it 187

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her none of you will be visiting anymore because you don't want to look like you're OK with bigoted homophobes, but you're OK with her becoming a decent person some day.

Mom is trying to make you choose between her and your significant other. Don’t let her do that. You get to choose your significant other, not your parents. Your mom is a fool.


Tell her none of you will be visiting anymore because you don't want to look like you're OK with bigoted homophobes, but you're OK with her becoming a decent person some day.

Sdog 6

Perfect response. Nothing more to say.

Punishing people for their beliefs won't have any constructive outcome. OP needs to accept her mother for the person she is even if she can't do the same, if she still wants her to be active in her and her child's life.

You're right. OP's mother refuses to accept who OP is, and that must be OP's fault. OP is the one who should bend over backward to please her homophobic mother. Yeah. I'm the one who's wrong.....

It's not about right or wrong. It's just a question of if OP wants her mother in her life or not.

Mom is trying to make you choose between her and your significant other. Don’t let her do that. You get to choose your significant other, not your parents. Your mom is a fool.

"Oh, sorry, I guess we won't ever be visiting again. If you want to see us or child again, let us know when you've had a change of mind." Mom doesn't get to have her cake and eat it too.

Yeah, I'd tell her to piss off. She either accepts you tell as a couple, or she doesn't get to see the kiddo. It's really that simple. She doesn't have the right to just have her cake and eat it too.

Tell her no. You, your wife, and son are a family and a package deal. If you're not all welcome, none of you will be returning and will cease all contact until she accepts all of you.

Time to tell your mom she's cut off. You don't need to deal with homophobia just because she is related to you, and it is entirely wrong to put your son in situations where you know he will be exposed to bigotry, especially against his own parents. Cut her out entirely.

your mom needs to accept who you are. a long "time out " might help open her eyes that you are a package deal. hope it doesn't take her too long to 'grow up'.

she should not be behaving that way it's not nice to do something like that to anyone maybe she should not have the chance to see her grand children until she adjust her behavior to something more polite and understanding