
By cosmonaut - 07/08/2009 09:18 - New Zealand

Today, at work I noticed that the last of my pencils had been taken from my desk. I assumed it was the coworker who I've talked to at least ten times regarding taking my stationery. I approached her and, feeling brave, yelled at her in front of the entire office. I was holding the pencil. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 895
You deserved it 71 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aero_fml 0

Owned! But if I were her I'd do it again. Just to mess with you.


That is so messed up. And how old are you? What were you thinking making a scene like that at work? That's not professional at all.

that's rude plain rude. I suggest anger therapy!

um, dude..... it's a pencil. a cheap piece if wood and lead that costs about 5 cents. u coulda just asked nicely for it back. seriously

quite possibly the best FML I've seen

Showing no mercy over something so pity, and doing so in such public manner, never good