8 out of 10 orthopedists

By Anonymous - 15/05/2021 14:01 - Germany

Today, I had a talk with my orthopedist about getting back to fitness training. However, according to her, all my favorite exercises, although taught to me by professionals, are "things one should never do" and "very very bad". FML
I agree, your life sucks 776
You deserved it 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thatslifeiguess7 16

Your at a orthopedic doctor for a reason right.


thatslifeiguess7 16

Your at a orthopedic doctor for a reason right.

I might agree. If you are overweight then most of the exercises are off-limit as they affect your joints significantly. trying to be tough and going through with it would give your joints long-term damage. Personally, I started using a Turbotrainer with my bicycle and would never go back to anything else. It's easy on the joints and helps you get fit.