50 shades of shit

By Anonymous - 13/03/2023 09:00

Today, I got home and I saw my dad come out of the kitchen in a red silk hood. I had no idea what the hell he was doing, until I went inside and heard him upstairs say to mum, “Oh my grandma, what a big mouth you have.” Hell of a way to discover your parents like roleplay in bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 209
You deserved it 239

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oof. Don’t know what to say here. Good for them but awful for you, I guess? Sorry about you having to find out about it though

A red silk hood and nothing else? Bring out the Brain Bleach!


Oof. Don’t know what to say here. Good for them but awful for you, I guess? Sorry about you having to find out about it though

A red silk hood and nothing else? Bring out the Brain Bleach!

tiptoppc 19

Sex is a fact. Even if kids don’t want to admit it. At least they weren’t playing tarzan in the kitchen. You might see his junk swinging while he holds onto a chandelier

Chiefanatic 2
Chiefanatic 2

Where are the Men In Black with their flashy thingy?! Or as Phoebe from Friends would yell, “My eyes, my eyes!”